Monday 17 September 2012

superglue in a squat.

I am still scratching the superglue of my fingers but it is such a wonder product, is it not? Amazing for any craft project, but here is one bit of advice from me to you…. Wear gloves or use tweezers when using this stuff………..
Ok picture the scene I am in my mates empty flat, as she has had to move all her stuff out a couple of days earlier but she didn’t need to hand over the keys for a couple more days. So due to my currently nomadic housing situation I figured I would just stay, anyway it was just me a mattress and some of my clothes……………. CREEPY! However something good came of the evening, these fucking amazing sunglasses with are made with poundland gemstones an old pair of sunnies and a whole lot of superglue! So get crafting people it is still possible in the most desperate of situations, i mean i was practically squating!

1 comment:

Ross Mountney said...

You are so Polyanna in the way you find positive in the negative through your art! Keep going, you're an inspiration!