Friday 22 March 2013

Craft just got punk.

Right I think it’s time we all got our craft on, a new season is approaching however much the fucking rain and wind tries to ruin our day, I will not give up on the hope of lovely springtime outfits! I’m thinking homemade flower headbands, cute dresses made out of old curtains, jewellery that you’ve pieced together from random charity shop bits and can actually show off because you don’t have to wear ten jumpers on top of it! To kick start I’ve got some pictures of something that makes being inside on these dark days a little bit more enjoyable…… some framed pages out of a 1950’s mag, sounds shit, but adding artwork to you walls in this manner is such a cheap way of having a change. And our ethos here at Its Hideous is all about making the everyday and the dull, interesting and inspiring!  So whatever you want to frame, do it…. Whether it’s a collage of you and your mates, your favourite ad campaign out of vogue, or just a load of letters cut from a newspaper arranged into your current mantra then give it a shot! Might as well make the walls more exciting while we are stuck inside! D.I.Y doing it yourself just not just mean fixing shit around the house, it’s about doing it your way, with your rules, so whether that is knitting yourself a tea cosy, or deciding that you’re going to steer yourself in a new direction, then get punk and do it yourself!

As you can see my take on photography is rather punk haha...... off centre placement and shit lighting! a new camera will soon be in my clutches!

And the soundtrack to your craft.......

1 comment:

Ross Mountney said...

You are SO inspirational!